After graduating in Archaeology and Geology (BSc Joint Hons) from Birmingham University in 1984, I spent 8 years working on archaeological projects across England and Scotland. These included large-scale excavations, such as Stanwick Roman Villa and Sandwell Priory, and post-excavation work. In 1992 I migrated to Wales, started a family and, from 1993, worked for the Dyfed Archaeological Trust as the Sites & Monuments Record Officer.
In 2004 I moved on to set up Trysor with Paul Sambrook. Since then I have been able to work on a wide variety of projects. These include many community-focused projects, alongside traditional archaeological work such as Upland Survey, desk-based assessments, watching briefs and archaeological evaluations.
I am particularly skilled at working with databases, GIS and spreadsheets, and enjoy using these to help make archaeological data and historical information accessible to all.