There are many different reasons why the historic environment may be of relevance to our clients, be they private individuals, developers, land agents, community groups, third sector organisations or local authorities.
In the planning sphere, we offer a range of services to clients that relate to planning applications.
- Desk-based assessment (DBA)
- Heritage Impact Assessment or Statement (HIA or HIS)
- Setting Assessment
- Statement of Significance
- Archaeological Evaluation
- Watching Brief (WB)
- Building Recording
- Written Schemes of Investigation (WSI)
When required, we bring in qualified associates to work alongside us offering specialist services, such as
- Geophysical Survey
- Palaeoenvironmental Assessments
- Artefact identification and Reporting
- Mortar analysis
We regularly work with community groups. Our guiding principle is to offer professional support and guidance to help communities to realise their ambitions and to make the most of their heritage. We offer the following services to community groups of all sorts;
• Heritage interpretation (panels, leaflets, interpretation plans, research)
• Community Project design and management
• Heritage Audits
• Training (fieldwork, research and presentation)
• Community excavations
• Community field surveys
We also offer the following general services;
• Landscape surveys
• Landscape characterisation
• Historic research
• Photographic surveys